Thursday, March 31, 2016


I'm seriously stuck in a holding pattern. Not moving forward, not moving backward. Just stuck in the same place.

I'm starting to get comfortable here...maybe that is the problem. Maybe I've gotten too comfortable in this place and my efforts aren't what they were or what they need to be to move forward.

Whatever, it's become a "seriously" moment for me. Am I "seriously" going to continue this pattern? Am I "seriously" going to stop here? A "I "seriously" need to get off my behind and make this thing happen," kind of moment. After all, no one can do it for me.

This blog was created to share my journey and this is a part of the journey. For me this is an embarrassing part of the journey. Having to admit to a sort of failure. But failure will only really happen if I refuse to get up and keep going.

So, dusting myself off, picking myself up and moving forward again.

....more to come!

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